Research Themes

This vertical informs the SDG3. We investigate how building design effects health and well-being in resource constrained settings. 

This vertical informs the SDG11. We derive data-driven solutions for vulnerable communities to tackle problems of climate change : heat island effects, flooding, for climate sensitive urban planning. 

This vertical informs the SDG7. We use state-of-the-art building simulations and experimental methods to derive demand side energy efficient solutions. 

This vertical informs the SDG5. We aim  gender mainstreaming through participatory housing design for sustainability.

Application Triangle


The vertebral research theme of the group  is ‘Data-Driven Design Heuristics for Sustainable Built Environment'. We work in the niche sector of habitat design, health and well-being,  energy decisions and gender equality for low-income housing. Our tractable research informs demand-side solutions which can positively affect energy security, gender equality and well-being while entailing fewer environmental risks. 

Meet the Researcher 

Research Sites